September 21, 2023

Are Manicures Good for Your Nails?
Yes. There are many very good reasons for getting a manicure on a regular basis, and they’re not all about looking your best. Manicures can help to prevent infections, keep your nails strong, protect your cuticles and overall hand health, and boost your mental health.
Commonly Asked Questions About Manicures in Lone Tree
How often should I get a manicure?
At Beauzen Nail Salon in Lone Tree, Colorado, we recommend a manicure every two to four weeks. However, several factors may come into play when deciding how often you should get a manicure.
How fast do your nails grow?
If you have fast-growing nails, you will want to come into Beauzen Nail Salon more frequently as your polish, acrylics, or other enhancements grow out.
What kind of finish do you have on your nails?
Traditional nail polish will chip more easily than gel or acrylics and so your nails will start to look less than perfect sooner. For traditional nail polish, many Beauzen clients come in once a week for TLC.
How hard do your hands work day-to-day?
If you work at a desk job, your hands will see less impact than if you work
as a gardener or chef. If you use your hands for your work, or if your hands are very visible and need to look their best at all times, you may want to come into Beauzen more frequently.
How good are you at maintaining a daily care routine at home?
Suppose you’re good to your hands, regularly and frequently applying moisturizer, sun block, and maintaining your cuticle health. In that case, you probably don’t need to come for a professional manicure as often as your friend who does none.
What special occasions are coming up in your future?
A special occasion is always a good reason to get a professional manicure, but don’t wait until the week or the day before. Try to book a series of manicures on a regular schedule leading up to the event.
What are the health benefits of a professional manicure?
At Beauzen Nail Salon, we see many pairs of hands daily, and our highly skilled nail technicians pride themselves on spotting potential problems and preventing their onset in the first place.
Having a regular manicure reduces the possibility of infection—cuticles that are well moisturized and trim are less prone to tearing, which can cause problems in the surrounding area. Minimizing hangnails also minimizes discomfort and possible infection.
If you have acrylics or other nail enhancements, allowing them to grow out too far can upset the weight balance of the nail, causing it to pull away from the nail matrix and bear down on the nail plate. If left too long, acrylics can pull away from the nail, allowing moisture and possibly bacteria to get between the acrylic and the nail. By coming into Beauzen Nail Salon regularly, our quality nail technicians will keep your nails as healthy as possible.
If your manicure includes a massage—all Beauzen Nail Salon manicures include a massage—you will be helping your whole hand. Massage increases blood flow to the hand, which helps to relax muscle tension and increase mobility.
And, of course, there are the mental benefits of a quality manicure in Lone Tree, complete with all the pampering on offer at Beauzen, from hot towels to organic moisturizers to good conversation, even to a glass of wine, if that’s your preference. Few things are more relaxing than having a trained professional manicurist take your hands in theirs and work their magic.
If you’re in the Lone Tree, Colorado, area and want to do right by your nails, come see us at Beauzen Nail Salon. Check out our unique manicure services, contact us for a free consultation, or schedule a Beauzen Nail Salon manicure today and begin your journey to perfect nail health and beautiful hands.