October 10, 2023

What’s the Best Way to Care for Your Hands at Work?
Most of us don’t live glamorous Hollywood lives. We work in offices or in medical care, on the production line or outdoors on the trails or at the golf club. We’re stay-at-home parents looking after the kids with little time for self-care. Wherever you work in Lone Tree, Colorado, everyday life can be rough on your hands and everything from air conditioning to heat to landscape dirt or kids’ diapers, has an impact.
An at-home hand-and-nail-care regime is vital to your overall hand and nail health. But what happens when you walk out the door?
Here some essential tips for protecting your hands:
Wear gloves.
We all love the clean dry air of Lone Tree, Colorado, but as the temperature drops that beautiful dryness quickly sucks the moisture out your skin. Your hands need protection from the wind and the cold, so cover them up.
Keep your nails in good shape.
Even the best-kept nails can get damaged during the course of the day. If you get a jagged edge or small split, it can catch on things and cause a bigger break. Keep a nail file on hand in your purse or pocket.
For those looking to maintain impeccable nails and hand health, visiting the best nail salon in Lone Tree, Colorado, can make all the difference in keeping them strong and polished.
Keep your hands clean.
In Lone Tree, Colorado, we live in a clean environment but there’s still air pollution and, if you’re working with your hands they can be exposed to dirt, chemicals, and germs. Wear appropriate gloves, either disposables or something more substantial like gardening gloves. Clean your hands regularly with soap and water and/or hand sanitizer. Keep a travel-sized hand sanitizer with you.
By regularly visiting a trusted nail salon in Lone Tree, like the renowned Beauzen Nail Salon, you can ensure your hands receive professional care and protection from daily wear and tear.
Moisturize, moisturize, MOISTURIZE.
Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, your hands are drying out.
Outside with no gloves? Moisturize.
Been digging in the dirt? Moisturize.
Just did a load of dishes? Moisturize.
Washed your hands with soap or used hand sanitizer? MOISTURIZE.
All these seemingly benign activities can have an accumulative negative impact on your hands, so be kind to them and moisturize at every opportunity.
Keep regular appointments at your nail salon
Getting a regular manicure is not vanity, it’s proper healthcare for your hands.
At Beauzen Nail Salon we know how tough Colorado life can be on hands, which is why the top Lone Tree nail technicians work for us using only the best manicure products from fully-organic ointments to unique all-natural hand lotions.
As the best nail salon in Lone Tree, Colorado, Beauzen Nail Salon is committed to delivering top-tier nail care services that keep your hands healthy and beautiful.
There’s a reason why the Beauzen Nail Salon is known for the top nail technicians providing the best manicures in Lone Tree.
Taking care of your own hands should be an essential part of your self-care routine, and coming into the best nail salon in Lone Tree, Colorado, is an essential part of that care. Contact us today to make an nail appointment.